Get involved
The Daniel Berrigan Collective: Promoting Contemplation, Community, and Resistance is you! We dream that it will be an exercise in solidarity and the power of showing up. We invite your participation and suggestions. Here are some ways you can get involved:
Would you like to write one of the monthly reflections for our website? Explore ways in which Dan, his life, his writings, his relationships have inspired, challenged, or flummoxed you?
Are you involved in an experiment in contemplation, community, or resistance that you would like to tell others about and seek collaboration?
Would you like to pitch an article, a piece of art, a poem, a prayer for The Word Made Fresh: The Daniel Berrigan Collective Annual? Publication date for the first issue is the anniversary of Dan’s death, April 30, 2022; deadline for submissions, January 31, 2022.
Would you be interested in being on the steering committee?
Can you raise up examples of new ways of doing resistance, new styles of community, different spiritualities that nourish contemplation?
Read our mission statement and see what creative ideas it provokes in you and share them with us.
Send your ideas about how you’d like to show up for The Daniel Berrigan Collective to
“He was not strategic, he was not opportunistic, but he understood solidarity—the power of showing up for people and struggles and communities.”
—The Berrigan/McAlister family’s statement on Dan’s death, April 30, 2016